For Joel, Trisha and all the Remarkable Women
The Summer months are usually my downtime, when I catch up on any project that I put on the backburner while teaching. This Summer has...

Disability and Art and Social Interactions
I have been impaired since birth, such that, medically-speaking, I am a quadruple amputee. But I never lost anything. My four limbs...

For Eleanor Roosevelt
Right now, I am worn out, yet feel excited. I am proud of my many accomplishments, as well as my periods of stress, during this Spring...

Me, too?
I was thinking about the Me, Too movement and how much competition has arisen from a statement that aims for collaboration. I ask myself,...

Riding a Bike
The first time I remember writing about my specific experiences as a disabled person was in my senior year of high school. In a response...

Ann’s Beautiful Broken Brain
My Beautiful Broken Brain, 2016 (Sophie Robinson and Lotje Sodderland, dirs.) is a powerful and visually stunning documentary film about...

Another Birthday
This week, I turned 42. It didn’t, at first, seem like a big deal. I wasn’t dreading my birthday or anything, in fact, I am glad that...

Fighting the Good Fight
Before the election last November, I was feeling hopeful. I had already completed an absentee ballot and was excited, because I thought...

Thanx, Michelle Tea!
I have read a lot of memoirs, and How to Grow Up by Michelle Tea is one of my favorites. Michelle Tea is an author, performer, mentor,...

For Emily Dickinson
I have written elsewhere on Virginia Woolf’s theories about a woman writer needing a “room of one’s own” in which to write, as well as my...